I want to throw a party for the ghosts I have loved

I will not invite the heartache. There will be no screaming, no apologies, no crying over the phone. No, at this party we will read poems in bed and wrap our legs together like some clumsy vines hellbent on growing together. We will go to bookshops and read stories if only to remind each other… Continue reading I want to throw a party for the ghosts I have loved

Ode To The Women In The Bar Bathrooms

Buzzed and buzzing like crop topqueens in a hive, holding brokenstall doorsholding hair backholding hands. Ode to the womensinging Beyoncé into their lipstick tubes,popping pieces of gum throughblister packs, reaching across the sink,“Do you want one?” Ode to the women comparing moon signsand tying together torn tank top straps;these washroom witcheswith magic on their lips… Continue reading Ode To The Women In The Bar Bathrooms

It’s like I’m trapped in a beautiful room with a revolving ceiling:

I could be in worse places, But I can’t find any door handles (or open windows) And I’m getting dizzier by the second— I’m not quite sure how to exist in a space that isn’t wide open anymore. I want to create a hurricane in the backyard and stir a tornado in the kitchen: break… Continue reading It’s like I’m trapped in a beautiful room with a revolving ceiling: